BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — An equipment malfunction gave the pilot of a unique plane a frightful start to Thanksgiving as he attempted to land at Battle Creek Executive Airport (BCEA).
He was flying a velocity-style aircraft — a single-engine plane with the propeller in the back.
Officials at the airport talked to FOX 17, explaining the pilot reported the onboard monitors showed the landing gear had deployed.
When the nose kept dropping, he realized this was not the case.

The front of the aircraft skidded across the runway pavement, coming to rest in the grass, the pilot calling the tower for help soon after.
Fire and EMS crews found he hadn't been hurt and were able to raise the nose and get the landing gear properly deployed.

The plane taxied under its own power to the hangar.
Cleanup of the runway took about an hour after the FAA was alerted and gave clearance.

Two of their three runways were closed during cleanup, but the crash did not interrupt operations as most tenants at BCEA did not have flights due to the holiday.
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