KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Changes to downtown Kalamazoo roads are underway. The city is saying goodbye to some of its one-way streets and finalizing designs for two-way travel.
The change has been a discussion for years, and City Traffic Engineer Dennis Randolph says they’re one step closer to actually getting it done.
“We've been able to get some, a couple of nice federal grants that allow us to go ahead on making a dream reality,” he said.
The plan is to start next year and work in phases. Roads that will undergo the change first will be on West Main, Kalamazoo, Douglas, and Michikal Ave.,” he said.
Randolph says they can cut down crashes by converting some roads to two-way streets.
“We have a lot of crashes, especially on Michigan and Kalamazoo. And they all end up being a result of speeding, whether it's people running, the signals, or just going way too fast,” he said. He also added that the plan is to cut down some of the lanes to prevent people from speeding.
The project's construction will cost up to $30 million and could take four to five years to complete.
The city will host two discussion sessions open to the public so they can review the plans and ask questions.
- Wednesday, May 24, from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Bell’s Brewery backroom at 355 E. Kalamazoo Ave.
- Tuesday, May 30, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Catalyst Center, building lobby at 180 E Water St. Coffee and refreshments will be provided.