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Kalamazoo officials urge caution around deer ahead of mating season


KALAMAZOO, Mich. — The city of Kalamazoo is urging the public to remain vigilant around deer as we head into this year’s mating season.

A total of 336 crashes involving deer have occurred between January 2014 and August 2024, city officials say.

deer crashes

We’re told there are several contributing factors to these crashes, including herd size and food availability during harvest. Above all, the city names speed as the largest contributor.

“The vast majority of car-deer crashes over the past 10 years did not happen in neighborhoods but along our major streets, especially those where speeding is a concern,” says Public Works Manager Dennis Randolph. “In areas where you would naturally assume that deer populate, such as Asylum Lake and other parks and natural areas, it would automatically indicate that deer would be out, especially at dusk and dawn, so drivers should be alert whether or not there is a city-posted deer sign.”

In 2022, the city says Kalamazoo County had the eighth-highest number of crashes involving deer in Michigan. Crashes are common between October and December when green forage season draws to a close, the last of which is found near roads. It’s also when mating season occurs.

The city adds autumn is when commute takes place around sunrise and sunset, which is during peak deer activity.

If a deer or any animal is found dead in a public space, submit a removal request by calling 269-337-8000 or by sending an email to

The city warns against approaching deer while mating season is underway, as they may behave unpredictably. Do not feed deer, as it violates state law and contributes to chronic wasting disease.

Visit the city’s website for more information.

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