MUSKEGON, Mich. — A Muskegon animal shelter wants you to “neuter your ex” for Valentine’s Day this year.
No, no, put the scissors down! They'll take care of it for you.
Heaven Can Wait Animal Haven posted to Facebook saying they will name a feral cat after someone who broke your heart and neuter them as part of their trap-neuter-return (TNR) program.
All it costs is a $25 donation.
You can make your donation at their PayPal HERE. You are asked to include your ex's name in the memo space. If that isn't working on your end, you can direct message it to the rescue on their Facebook page.
The cats will be returned to their respective colonies afterward.
"Everybody is enjoying it, and at the same time we realize we're going to make a big difference because of everybody wanting to be a part of it," Heaven Can Wait founder Diane Valk told FOX 17.
She says they have already received a huge number of requests.
“We had 15 cats that got spayed, neutered that were trapped yesterday, and they're working right now as we speak," she explained.
"They're going to be putting names on all those pictures [online] to let everybody know when they send their $25, that their ex's name is on that photo."
The shelter notes it may be a few months before your ex’s name is used, but rest assured it will be used!