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Lions fans getting frustrations out at rage room before Super Bowl LVIII


(WXYZ) — Folks are getting ready for the Super Bowl tomorrow night.

But for some Lions fans, the pain of not making the championship game is still a sore topic.

Evan Allen, 19, is overcoming his frustration at Azra Chamber of Horrors - Rage Room. The Michigander is a diehard Lions fan and still hasn't come to terms with the Lions narrowly missing the Super Bowl.

"I'm a pretty big fan, I would say. This season they did pretty good I would say aside from the playoffs," said Allen.

The Lions lost to the 49ers in a tight game last month. But for Evan, the best way to manage his pain is to smash.

"Big disappointment. The Lions would make it to the Superbowl, first time in history. But sadly," said Allen.

With the Super Bowl all set to kick off this Sunday, Keri Kazz from Azra Chamber of Horrors says the Rage Room expects to see an influx of football fans during the next few days.

"I wish I had some San Fan or Kansas City stuff to smash that would be fun," said Keri Kazz, Director of Operations Zone Entertainment, Azra Chamber of Horrors.

In fact, Kerri says the experience is for all.

"They had a rough day at work, so they came in and got it all out. I see a lot of date nights; I see couples work through their issues, and I've seen marriages saved in the Rage Room," said Kazz.

"Can anyone be judged at the Rage Room?" Asked 7 Action News.

"Oh no, no, people ask are they soundproof? They are not soundproof, unfortunately. But we don't care. Say, scream, shout, get it out. We want you to leave here a brand new person," said Kazz.

Just like Evan, dealing with his pain so he can watch the NFL championship game with his dad.

"I really enjoyed smashing the TV as it was the biggest object I was able to get my hands on. Just smashing away and seeing the progress I was making. It was a huge sense of relief," said Allen.

"It's a 20-minute session, and I see a lot of people just dump the bin on the table, and with a few whacks, it's all gone. Really kind of look a the items you are given. Try to build a tower, try to be more meticulous, if you will, about smashing things to get the most bang for your buck and make the most of the experience," said Kazz.

To learn more about the Rage Room experience at Azar Chamber of Horrors, head to