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Michigan receives C– on infrastructure report card

Cracked road surface tight shot
Posted at 5:28 PM, May 08, 2023

LANSING, Mich. — Endeavors to update Michigan’s infrastructure have accelerated over the last few years, and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) offered some feedback Monday.

They presented a report card, rating Michigan’s infrastructure an overall grade of C–.

“This grade should be unacceptable to every Michigan citizen,” says Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA) Vice President of Government Affairs Lance Binoniemi. “Keep in mind, even with the infusion of federal infrastructure dollars and the governor's bonding program, we still have a significant underinvestment problem here in Michigan.”

While a C– sounds less than ideal, it is a slight improvement over the state’s 2018 report card, on which it received a D+.

However, ASCE says Michigan’s infrastructure systems are “mediocre and need attention.”

The report is meant to help Michiganders and state leaders decide how best to modernize its systems.

Fourteen categories were evaluated to arrive at the C– grade, including roads, schools, dams, energy and more.

Government funding is credited with the improved rating, citing Governor Whitmer’s Rebuilding Michigan plan and President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure law.

“This cumulative grade is reflective of the data available to us. With so much growth and new projects underway throughout the state could surely improve if we keep our foot on the gas,” says Michigan Department of Transportation Acting Director Brad Ewart. “Michigan agencies and businesses have a lot to be proud of from this report, after implementing several major short-term funding mechanisms to address long-overlooked components of the built environment. However it is important to know that we began these recent efforts with major hills decline, and it will take time and continued efforts to see more drastic grade increases.”

But with the new report comes some good news! Out of the 14 categories analyzed, seven of them rated higher than the national average.

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