NEWAYGO, Mich. — FOX 17 is following the case of Ryan Dornbos, a former police officer in Big Rapids and Newaygo, accused of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree.
Dornbos is no longer working as a police officer.
We brought our first report on the investigation into Dornbos, which was done by the Fremont Police Department, on April 3.
Read more: FOX 17 Investigates: Docs detail disturbing child sex crimes accusations against ex-police officer
Thursday, FOX 17 learned more about Dornbos's past at Newaygo Police through an open records request of his personnel file.
There are two files included in the request, given to FOX 17 on a flash drive. One was Dornbos's personnel file with Newaygo Police, the other, his personnel file with the city of Newaygo.
The records totaled more than 300 pages.
Much of the content was administrative. FOX 17 did learn that Dornbos received high marks as an officer with Newaygo Police, even being ranked as someone who "exceeds standards."
Dornbos first applied for a job in Newaygo in 2014. He resigned in 2021.
A few of the most interesting things found in the documents are what you can't see, and what's not included.
On page 81 of Dornbos's personnel file with the police department, he was required to disclose any past law enforcement activity, even things as small as a traffic violation. That entire section is redacted.

Also of note, in the Fremont report, officers talk to a man who used to work with Dornbos in Newaygo. They accused Dornbos of having sexual relations with their wife and a woman who was on probation.
Any information on those accusations was not included in Dornbos's personnel file in Newaygo. The investigation, according to the report by Fremont Police, was turned over to Michigan State Police. FOX 17 has sent in a record request to MSP to learn more.
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