NewsLocal NewsMichigan


Should Michigan abolish Daylight Saving Time?

A State Senate bill introduced this week would put the question on the 2026 November ballot
  • A Michigan Senate bill would put the question of abolishing Daylight Saving Time on the 2026 November ballot.
  • Jackson neighbors I talked to largely favor doing away with seasonal clock changes.
  • Reasons mentioned include sleep disruptions and early darkness.
  • WATCH THE VIDEO to see what Jackson neighbors think of abolishing Daylight Savings Time.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

"I hate going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark," says Diane Anderson.

There could be a statewide vote on whether to abolish Daylight Saving Time in Michigan.

Jacob Tuttle's take?

"I think it can kind of mess with you. You would think that an hour wouldn't make that much difference. But it can kind of affect you as far as getting an extra hour of sleep, losing an hour of sleep…"

I didn't hear a lot of support for Daylight Saving Time among neighbors I talked to here in Downtown Jackson. Neighbors brought up disrupted sleep…

"It just throws people off," says Emma Brandeberry. "Throws off sleeping."

Early darkness...

"When you're leaving in the morning and coming home at night and it's dark, it's just — your day seems pretty wasted," says Anderson.

...and needless hassle.

"Today," says Tuttle, "with the technology we have, with the lighting that we have, and everything else..."

Some of the reasons I heard…

"…I don't think there's much of a need for it anymore," says Tuttle.

…for doing away with changing our clocks every Springtime and Fall.

Republican State Senator Thomas Albert introduced a bill this week that would put abolishing Daylight Saving Time to a statewide vote in 2026.

Brandeberry told me she'd support stopping our clock changes: "I think it is a good idea."

But, as time ticked down on our Thursday daylight, I also talked with David Castle. He said: "I mean, I don't think it really matters, to tell you the truth."

We'll let you know if the bill ends up going through, and gets on the ballot.