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State and local leaders react to President Biden's first address to Congress

APTOPIX Biden 100 Days Congress
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WASHINGTON, DC — President Joe Biden delivered his first presidential address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday night.

Following the president's speech, state and local leaders issued statements in response to what they heard on Capitol Hill.

Sen. Gary Peters says he is pleased with the president's performance during his first 100 days in office, citing the relief provided to families and small businesses and the American Rescue Plan. He adds that he looks forward to helping the president "build back better."

Senator Peters's full statement reads:

“After taking office at a time of unprecedented crisis in our country, I am proud of the progress we have made in President Biden’s first 100 days and the relief we delivered to families, small businesses and communities in Michigan and across the country. Through my work as Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, I was pleased to help the President drastically expand vaccine distribution as part of the American Rescue Plan.

“Our work is just getting started as we continue to build back better. President Biden laid out a strong vision for upgrading our infrastructure — our roads, bridges, and access to broadband — and making critical investments in families to ensure they can not only care for their families but prosper.

“In the coming months, I also look forward to continuing to work with the Biden Administration to bolster our domestic manufacturing capabilities and supply chain, spur additional economic growth and strengthen our national security — including to address serious threats facing us here at home.”

Rep. Fred Upton says Biden's multitrillion-dollar proposals would greatly increase the national debt, adding the president should focus on cooperation across party lines. Upton also praised Biden for his healthcare proposals.

Representative Upton's full statement reads:

“Now that the economy has begun to recover, and there appears to be trillions of dollars still in the pipeline from already approved COVID relief packages, we shouldn’t be proposing trillions more in pipe-dream spending that will either dramatically increase the national debt or raise taxes on small business and families.

We should follow the path that President Biden himself outlined in his inaugural address calling for bipartisanship and cooperation, which are sorely needed as we begin the discussion on an infrastructure bill.

I’d add that the enactment of 21st Century Cures followed that bipartisan example. The President’s support to update that with a Cures 2.0 and ARPA-H injection of additional research dollars to deal with COVID, cancer, and Alzheimer’s in the years ahead is welcome news and should generate overwhelming bipartisan support.”

Sen. Debbie Stabenow praised the historic job growth witnessed during President Biden's first 100 days as well as his proposed education plan, adding that she looks forward to rebuilding the country's middle class.

Senator Stabenow's full statement reads:

“During President Biden’s first 100 days in office, more than 1.3 million jobs have been created—the strongest job growth for any president in history in their first 100 days. President Biden has also exceeded his own goal of administering 200 million vaccines and partnered with Democrats in Congress to pass the American Rescue Plan, which has been a lifeline for families and communities in Michigan and across the country. The Biden Administration has truly hit the ground running.

“President Biden has put forward a bold jobs plan that puts the focus back on making things in America, rebuilding America’s neglected infrastructure and strengthening American manufacturing – all big priorities with a big impact on Michigan.

“Tonight, President Biden talked about our most precious resource – our children. His American Families Plan provides a blueprint for educational opportunity and economic security that gives our families what they need to succeed.

“I look forward to working with President Biden to pass this bold once-in-a-generation investment to rebuild our middle class and invest in America’s future.”

Congressman Bill Huizenga claims President Biden's policies will eliminate one million jobs as a result of tax increases.

Congressman Huizenga's fulls statement reads:

“Despite campaigning on a platform of unity, President Biden has put forward a tax and spend agenda the likes of which we have never seen with virtually no Republican input. With the annual federal budget coming in at roughly $4.4 trillion, President Biden has proposed nearly $6 trillion in new spending in the first 100 days of his Administration. This eye-popping spending spree adds up to $17,951.46 for every man, woman, and child in America.

“Instead of governing as a unifier like he promised, President Biden has put forward a highly partisan agenda in 100 days that increases federal spending by a whopping 35% while threatening to eliminate an estimated 1 million jobs through his proposed tax increases. Rather than appease the progressive wing of his base, President Biden could help more American families by adopting a targeted approach that focuses on bipartisan solutions to strengthen our economy, secure our border, and repair our infrastructure in West Michigan and communities across the nation.”

Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel with the Republican National Committee referred to the president's first 100 days as "an unqualified failure," referencing the border crisis and his foreign policy.

Chairwoman McDaniel's full statement reads:

“Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office have been an unqualified failure, including unprecedented attacks on energy workers, a humanitarian crisis at the border, and an America-last foreign policy agenda. Then there is his hyper-partisanship, as he and Democrats attempt to abolish the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and force through their H.R. 1 power grab. In his inaugural address, Biden called for unity. That was a lie, and our nation is worse off and more divided thanks to Joe Biden."

Congressman John Moolenaar claims the president's proposed tax hikes on the wealthiest Americans would have adverse effects on Michigan's economy.

Congressman Moolenaar's full statement reads:

“When Joe Biden was vice president he oversaw the slowest economic recovery in modern American history. His proposals tonight, including his tax hikes, would be more of the same, hurting Michigan’s economy and slowing the recovery. We are already seeing employers in mid and northern Michigan have problems hiring workers because the $2 trillion spending bill President Biden signed in March pays people an extra $300 a week to stay home instead of going to work.

“I would also like to invest in our nation’s infrastructure, but President Biden has proposed cutting the Army Corps of Engineers’ annual budget by a billion dollars. We need the Army Corps to be fully funded so it can manage Great Lakes water levels, stop Asian carp and invasive species, and build a new lock at the Soo Locks. I will be working to stop Biden’s cut to the Army Corps so it has the resources it needs to invest in infrastructure and support the Great Lakes.”

Congressman Tim Walberg also denounced President Biden's first 100 days, stating that he "ignored" the crisis along the southern border and put American jobs at stake.

Congressman Walberg's full statement reads:

“President Biden’s early actions in office speak louder than his words tonight. In his first 100 days, the President has catered to the far-left wing of his party. He’s ignored the humanitarian crisis at the southern border, jeopardized American jobs and energy independence, pushed for higher taxes, and proposed a mind-boggling amount of government spending.

“Looking at his time governing, President Biden’s promise to unify the country rings hallow. So far his radical policies, often taken unilaterally, have divided us at every turn. Although the President has embarked on a highly partisan course, it is not too late to right the ship and demonstrate a willingness to reach across the aisle. We must continue to seek out solutions to help students receive a quality education, workers find a good-paying job, and families and small businesses recover from the pandemic.”

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