BENTON HARBOR, Mich. — Benton Harbor High School recycled more than 12,500 pounds of plastic water bottles through its recycling program.
More than 12.5 million water bottles have been given out for free since September 2021 in response to high levels of lead found in Benton Harbor’s drinking water well.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services continues to provide free bottled water to people living in Benton Harbor.
People participating in the recycling program are encouraged to take home 33-gallon, clear plastic bags from the bottle distribution site and return empty water bottles at the high school during distribution hours.
You can also get plastic recycling bags delivered and empty bottles picked up during State of Michigan homebound deliveries.
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study confirms that certified filters, properly installed and maintained, are lowering lead levels in the area’s drinking water.
The Berrien County Health Department has filters available for free.
If you live in Benton Harbor and need your lead service line replaced for free by filling out and mailing in the application available here.