ROTHBURY, Mich. — It didn’t take long for Sunshine to warm up to Ashlee at Double J Resort, but in no time the love was mutual.
“Just like me, naturally curly hair,” Ashlee said while brushing Sunshine’s main.
Ashlee gets to work, making sure sunshine looks her best for their upcoming ride.

“Look at you looking all good,” Ashlee said.
Ashlee’s face lit up the moment she met sunshine; her bond for these big beauties started when she was young. She even named her family’s horse as a child.
“I finally thought of the name Candy because candy is sweet and she was a sweet horse,” Ashlee said.
Her easy bond with animals has prompted her to thing of a career path taking care of her furry friends.
“One of the excellent matches is actually a horse trainer,” Ashlee said.
Ashlee’s maternal nature extends beyond just animals. Her face beaming as she tells me about her foster siblings.

“Some days it's playing Barbies with them, or sometimes it's just football or softball, so definitely spending time with my family is important,” Ashlee said.
She knows these siblings aren’t permanent, but this 15-year-old hopes to have the title of big sis some day with a forever family. A title she says she’ll take seriously.
“As a sibling, I can always play with you, and will always have someone to hang out with,” Ashlee said.
“I'm always supportive, and you can always come to me about something like if something's on your mind.”
And it’s that same support Ashlee hopes to find in a mom and a dad.
After thorough brushing, Sunshine was ready to go for a spin and this pair was ready to ride off.
A special bond between these two, and something Ashlee hopes to make with a family some day.
If you’re ready to explore adoption, click here for more about Orchards Children's Services. You can also call 1-855-694-7301.