ADA, Mich. — For many kids living in the foster care system, finding a forever home is a tiring and emotional process. Today, I’m introducing you to 17-year-old Renee who is using music as a way to keep her hopeful of finding a family.
She’s happiest in a room with just her and 88 keys.
Watching her play at Ada Conservatory of Music, it’s easy to see how simply striking these keys brings a big smile to her face.

She has fond memories attempting her first musical masterpiece, hot cross buns on the recorder. Now she enjoys playing the ukulele, the piano and singing in choir.
Music is more than stringing melodies together for Renee, it’s therapeutic.
“Sometimes, I have a lot of feelings, so I'll just write them out,” Renee said. "And then I figured out when I journal, it wasn’t like journaling, it was turned into rhythmic stuff.”
For Renee, music brings out emotion, pain, and longing— longing for a place to call home.
“Family means technically everything to me,” Renee said.
Renee has a brother and in our short time together, you can tell how much he means to her. They’ve been separated for some time.
He’s grown since the last time she’s seen him and now plays football.
Regardless of their distance, she’s his biggest cheerleader on and off the field.
“I’d love to be able to see my brother, even have contact with my brother,” Renee said.
She hopes to be able to spend more time with him in the future.
Home to Renee means comfort and belonging. She would love a family with arms wide open to any walk of life.
“If they are same-sex, meaning that they’re a part of the LGBTQ community which means I would be better understood,” Renee said.
As Renee continues to explore the keys on the grand piano, she jokes that whatever home she ends up in, doesn’t need to have this state-of-the-art instrument. The home just needs to allow her to express herself with whatever melody is speaking to her on that day.
If you’re ready to explore adoption, click here for more about Orchards Children's Services. You can also call 1-855-694-7301.