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FOX 17 Morning News expands; anchor Janice Allen joins morning news team

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Posted 9:00 AM, Sep 11, 2023
and last updated 10:21 AM, Sep 12, 2023

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — FOX 17 Morning News is expanding to 5 hours and welcoming a familiar news anchor to the team.

Janice Allen made the move from the evening newscasts to morning news on Monday. Her arrival came on the same day the newscast expanded from 5-10 a.m.


Janice Allen, Elliot Grandia, Chief Meteorologist Kevin Craig, and Robb Westaby will welcome viewers from 6-10 a.m. on weekdays.

Robb Westaby and Meteorologist Candace Monacelli will host the 5 a.m. hour.

FOX 17 Morning News Team

“I am excited for this opportunity and ready for a new adventure. After enjoying more than a decade with our evening team, I look forward to joining our morning team— a group I’ve always loved and respected,” said Janice. “This is a big change and I’m thankful it also means more time with my family and evenings at home with my one-year-old daughter. I can’t wait to wake up and have my morning coffee with all of our loyal viewers who help make the 3 a.m. alarm clock well worth it.”

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The FOX 17 Morning News will continue to focus on important news, weather and traffic information viewers need to get the day started. It’ll include enterprise news and community-based reporting. It’ll also continue to have the popular Don’t Waste Your Money segment and reports from the Scripps News D.C. newsroom in the nation’s capital.

Janice will remain involved in important community projects including Pay It Forward and A Path Forward.

She has been a journalist and anchor with the FOX 17 team since 2010.

Since 2011, she’s been telling Pay It Forward stories that highlight people doing positive things in our community.

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She’s also heavily involved in the station’s A Path Forward initiative that addresses youth crime by sharing impactful stories that connect families with resources, address obstacles, celebrate successes and create lasting change.

FOX 17 introduces A Path Forward

In June, Janice and her coworkers were honored with a regional Emmy award for their exceptional work on our Jamarion's Journey news special.

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Check out some of Janice's most recent articles below.

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