Meet Blackjack!
Blackjack is brand new to the Humane Society of West Michigan, but can't wait to move in with a family all his own!
This 5-year-old will bring lots of energy— and love— to your home, so be ready!

The Humane Society of West Michigan tells us Blackjack has heartworm, but with a little love (and treatment covered by HSWM) he'll be just fine in no time.
If the time is right to add to your home, learn more about adopting Blackjack or one of his new furry friends at HSWM here.
St. Paw-trick's Day
Are the kids looking for a fun way to spend St. Patrick's Day?
Maybe a night out with the Humane Society of West Michigan is just what they need!
There will be crafts and activities, time with the animals, and tons of green snacks to enjoy.
The St. Paw-trick's Day Kid's Night Out is $35/kid ($25 for siblings) for ages 7-12. Email to register.