GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Get to know FOX 17 Morning News anchor Ruta Ulcinaite by checking out these fun facts!
Ruta’s top ten facts:

1. Ruta was born in Siauliai, Lithuania and moved to the U.S. at a very young age. She still speaks fluent Lithuanian and goes back to visit often. She loves the Lithuanian culture, the food and the people.
2. She has one little brother named Jonas and they have a nine-year difference between them!
3. Ruta loves musicals, dancing, music and art. She loves watching creatives at work and is inspired by what they do. Her favorite musicals include Hamilton, Mama Mia! and Les Miserables.
4. Ruta went to Michigan State University where she studied journalism and political science. She credits her journalism skills to the fantastic staff and faculty at the school. She was also part of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority!
5. She loves dancing and has danced since she was a little girl.
6. Ruta loves traveling and has had the chance to travel to many different countries. Her favorite trips have been to Italy and Greece.
7. Ruta can't start her day without coffee! Sometimes she'll even have two cups in a row to make sure she's on her A-game.

8. She has been involved in the Lithuanian/American community her entire life by going to Lithuanian School on Saturdays when she was young, going to and working Lithuanian camps and participating in Lithuanian dancing and singing festivals.
9. Ruta is a foodie and loves exploring new foods and cuisines!

10. She loves everything that Michigan has to offer - the beautiful beaches, parks all the amazing communities.
Want to learn about Ruta’s co-anchor Tessa DiTirro? Click here.