Tuesday, February 27, 2024 is Michigan's turn in the presidential primary season. The new, earlier primary date was supposed to put the mitten state in a prime position to exert greater influence on which candidate earns their party's nomination.
Read more about the presidential races HERE.
While the primary has dominated the headlines, there are a number of local items on the ballot.
The City of Fennville is asking voters to approve a fire safety millage, including an increase from the expiring millage. The new 6-year millage would raise more than $26,000 each year.
Monterey Township is proposing a millage renewal to fund road construction projects at more than $551,000 per year. If passed the millage would be restored to previous levels and extended for 4 years.
Glenn Public Schools voters can decide if the Board of Education should expand from 3 seats to 5. The district is also requesting a 3-year millage renewal totaling $780,228.
Allegan County voters in the South Haven school district will see an operating millage renewal on the ballot. The millage would last 6 years and collect $71.3 million.
Barry County residents will vote on millage renewal for Barry County Central Dispatch's 911 center.
Lakewood Public Schools has a millage renewal on the ballot. The 10-year millage would provide $20.6 million.
River Valley Public Schools hope voters sign off on an 8-year operating millage renewal that would mean $84.1 million. The district also has a $4.4 million sinking fund millage renewal on the ballot.
Niles Community Schools is requesting a 10-year, $48 million millage be renewed.
Buchanan Community Schools has a 10-year, $29.7 million operating millage and a $3.2 million sinking fund millage up for renewal.
Bedford Township's Supervisor role is up for election after former supervisor Joni Jones resigned last October. Randolph "Rande" Johnson and Carl Kinzel will appear on the ballot.
Newton Township residents will decide on whether to impose a 15-year millage aimed at road improvement, repair, and maintenance. If passed the millage is expected to provide more than $400,000 in the first year alone.
Cass County's Transportation Authority is requesting a new millage to boost the public transportation options in the county. The 5-year millage would drive more than $600,000 each year.
Edwardsburg Public Schools hope voters will pass an operating millage renewal. It would provide roughly $7.8 million.
Pewamo Westphalia Community Schools want an operational millage renewed for 10-years with $4.6 million expected over the coming decade.
Belding Area Schools is asking for an operational millage to be renewed for 6 years with nearly $2 million expected annually for the district.
Portland Public Schools has a 4-year operating millage renewal on the ballot. If passed it would continue to provide roughly $1.5 million each school year.
Ionia County voters living in the Lakewood schools district will see a millage renewal on the ballot. The 10-year millage would provide $20.6 million.
A limited number of voters in Ionia County will be casting ballots on Montcalm Area Intermediate School District's 20-year millage that would total no more than $36.8 million.
Many of those same voters will also see a millage renewal from Montcalm Community College on their ballot. If approved, the 10-year millage would provide just under $4 million annually for the school.
Ionia County voters living in the Central Montcalm school district will decide on two proposals. The first is a renewal of the current operating millage with a 5-year extension anticipated to raise more than $1.9 million each year. The second would raise the limit of the millage rate over the 5-year extension, resulting in an increase of more than $98,000 annually.
Solon Township is asking voters to renew a millage to support the township's fire department. It would increase the millage to provide more than $115,000 each year for the next decade.
Kentwood Public Schools sinking fund millage is up for renewal. The 10-year levy would raise more than $41 million in total.
Kent County voters living in the Belding school district will vote on an operational millage renewal for 6 years with nearly $2 million expected annually for the district.
Kent County voters living in the Lakewood schools district will see a millage renewal on the ballot. The 10-year millage would provide $20.6 million.
A limited number of voters in Kent County will be casting ballots on Montcalm Area Intermediate School District's 20-year millage that would total no more than $36.8 million.
Many of those same voters will also see a millage renewal from Montcalm Community College on their ballot. If approved, the 10-year millage would provide just under $4 million annually for the school.
A limited number of voters in Mecosta County will be casting ballots on Montcalm Area Intermediate School District's 20-year millage that would total no more than $36.8 million.
Many of those same voters will also see a millage renewal from Montcalm Community College on their ballot. If approved, the 10-year millage would provide just under $4 million annually for the school.
The Montcalm County Sheriff's Office enforcement millage is up for renewal. The 4-year extension would raise more than $2.3 million each year to support a number of deputy positions.
Montcalm Area Intermediate School District wants to borrow up to $36.8 million as part of a 20-year millage.
Montcalm Community College is asking voters to approve a 10-year renewal of it's operating millage. It would provide just under $4 million annually for the school.
Central Montcalm Public Schools has two proposals on the ballot. The first is a renewal of the current operating millage with a 5-year extension anticipated to raise more than $1.9 million each year. The second would raise the limit of the millage rate over the 5-year extension, resulting in an increase of more than $98,000 annually.
Reynolds Township also has two proposals on the ballot. The first is a new millage to fund road improvement projects in the township. If approved it would raise just under $87,000 each year for 8 years. The other proposal involves a renewal of the fire and safety millage. The 8-year extension would also collect just under $87,000 annually.
Montcalm County voters living in the Belding school district will vote on an operational millage renewal for 6 years with nearly $2 million expected annually for the district.
Voters in the city of Fremont must consider an amendment to the city charter which would change the meeting requirements for the board of review when residents appeal the tax assessment of their property. If passed, the amendment would require the board to meet for a least two days.
A limited number of voters in Newaygo County will be casting ballots on Montcalm Area Intermediate School District's 20-year millage that would total no more than $36.8 million.
Many of those same voters will also see a millage renewal from Montcalm Community College on their ballot. If approved, the 10-year millage would provide just under $4 million annually for the school.
Allendale Public Schools is requesting a renewal of its operating millage for 4 years totaling $19.8 million.
Park Township hopes voters will renew and increase an expiring millage for local street repair and maintenance. The 5-year extension would raise more than $716,000 each year.
Wright Township's fire protection millage could be renewed and restored to previous tax levels, providing more than $603,000 over 4 years.
Spring Lake Township voters can approve an amendment to the zoning map ordinance.
Sturgis Public Schools is requesting an 11-year operating millage.
Park Township voters will decide on a 4-year millage for road projects.
South Haven Public Schools is asking voters to renew the district's operating millage for a 6-year period that would collect $71.3 million.
The following counties do not have any local ballot questions. Voters in these counties will only be able to vote in either the Democratic or Republican presidential primaries.
- Branch County
- Kalamazoo County
- Muskegon County
Find of your election news in FOX 17's America Votes section
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