

Prices at Ambassador Bridge, Detroit-Windsor Tunnel increase for 2023

Canada-US border to remain closed as long as COVID-19 cases are up

It's a little bit more expensive to go into Canada and back into the United States at both the Ambassador Bridge and Detroit-Windsor Tunnel.

According to CTV, the rate for going to Windsor is $5.50 and coming back it's $6.75. CTV reports the rate increased 25 cents with the new year.

If you're taking the bridge, the cost of going from the U.S. to Canada is $7 for passenger vehicles, up from $6 last year,

A letter posted on the Detroit International Bridge Company website from President Dan Stamper said they have invested $100 million in the bridge over the last five years. Stamper said that includes replacing the bridge road deck, guard rail, curbs and lighting upgrades.