New research is highlighting the challenges mothers face when they go back to work after a career break.
According to a new survey from LinkedIn, a number of moms have trouble finding a supportive environment and feel like they face stigmas at work.
In the survey, working moms said their top three obstacles are non-flexible work schedules, finding affordable, high-quality childcare and a lack of adequate maternity leave.
LinkedIn says one of the findings it was most surprised about was the changes that could be made right now. Mainly, managers talking more about their own kids. That could also be beneficial for employees who aren't parents.
The survey found 44 percent of women said the most difficult thing was juggling work with parental duties – like when their child gets sick.
More than half were worried about being judged for parental leave.
An average of 63 percent of professional women and men said they think there are unnecessary challenges for working mothers to advance their careers.