LANSING, Mich. — The Christmas tree at the state capitol has been a staple since 1987. This year's tree arrived over the weekend.
The tree is a 60 foot spruce tree that came from Onaway in the northeast portion of the lower peninsula.

"It's a huge honor for families to donate the state Christmas tree, it's just an awesome thing to be apart of,"
This tree was donated by Onaway resident Vic Ruppert in honor of his late wife Shirley. It's a special search that happens well before the weather turns cold.

"At DTMB we actually kick off the search for the state Christmas tree in May."
Laura Wotruba, director of communications for the Michigan Department of Technology, Management, and Budget, is proud of the work.
"This something we are proud to take part of, every year, and kinda kicks off the holiday season, it's a big deal for Lansing and the greater Lansing community."