WATERVLIET — A woman who has helped many in her community over the years is now in need of some help.
Amanda Goss, FOX 17's 2018 Pay it Forward Person of the Year, is fighting cancer for the fifth time.

Friends and family are organizing a roof sit fundraiser on October 1st to help the Goss family.
"We love her. She's always giving to others. So we want to give back to her. And we know it's been difficult. Her husband has been home with her off work caring for her. So we know that they could use a support right now," said organizer Leah Dibble. "That's what it takes. It takes a community and people that care to help you and be behind you. And we want her to know that we always are. We won't quit."
Goss learned she had breast cancer in October 2014.
"I woke up, out of nowhere and I had a lump underneath my armpit," she told FOX 17 News in 2018. "It came back, it was positive for cancer, I think at the beginning, I was stage 3 breast cancer."
The young mom has two daughters, who were ages two and four at the time.

Goss channeled the devastating diagnosis to do good for some of the youngest cancer fighters in West Michigan.
She launched a nonprofit called Youtoo, which delivers special goody bags to local children's hospitals.
"I personally know how hard it can be," Goss explained at the time."When I received gifts from people I didn't even know, that was incredible. People I didn't even know were fighting for me and had my back."
The latest cancer diagnosis has affected the young mom's mobility, requiring around-the-clock care.
"She's a fighter and if she can beat this thing she's gonna beat it.I think she really believes that she can beat this thing," said Bob Kowerduck, Amanda's father. "She's got all people in the world supporting her and I think it helps her try and push through this thing if she can."

The roof sit fundraiser will happen Sunday, October 1st at Mr. Clean's Cleaning and Restoration, 106 E. St. Joseph St, Watervliet, from 9 a.m to 7 p.m.
Participants will take hour-long shifts on the roof of the business to raise money and show Goss she is not fighting alone.
"Just speaks to our love for her... Just to take off some of the burden because she's fought for a long time. And that doesn't come without a lot of stressors," said organizer and longtime friend Angie Roberts.
A GoFundMe page has also been set up to help the Goss family.
"She'll fight till the very end as she has to and she doesn't want to give up," said Kowerduck. "She knows she has her family and her kids to live for and they're her whole strength and her whole inspiration to keep going every day."