Keep Michigan SAFE



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Whether it's your first time on campus or you're returning to your old stomping grounds, make sure you're safe with these tips from ESCAPE Inc and FOX 17!

The leading causes of fires in on- and off-campus college housing includes cooking, candles, smoking and overloaded power strips, according to fire safety expert and President of ESCAPE Inc, Michael McLeieer.

TIP: Cook only where permitted and never leave cooking or candles unattended. Opt for battery-operated candles and never plug an extension cord or power strip into another power strip. Make sure all computers and electronics are plugged in to a surge protector and get proper ventilation.

94% of campus fire fatalities occur in off-campus housing where approximately 2/3 of the students live.

Approximately 25% of all campus fire fatalities follow a party.

Alcohol consumption was a factor in 76% of fatal campus fires.
—Michael McLeieer, ESCAPE Inc

Alcohol slows judgement and reaction times, and makes it harder to wake up— even with sirens blaring and emergency lights flashing.

A huge factor in college-aged deaths caused by fires is carelessly discarded smoking materials.

Smoking and carelessly discarded smoke materials were the leading cause of fatal campus fires at 75%.
—Michael McLeieer, ESCAPE Inc

If you must smoke, only smoke outdoors, away from buildings.

The best way to survive a fire is to have and practice an escape plan.

Locate two ways out of every room, figure out how you're getting out of the building in an emergency, and how you're going to touch base with roommates and loved ones in the event of an emergency.

If you live off-campus (or your campus allows you to have them in the dorms) make sure you have a fire extinguisher or a fire-extinguishing blanket to knock down small fires before they get out of hand.