WEST MICHIGAN - We may have been blasted by Arctic cold and record lake effect snowfall in November, but the first half of December appears that it will be near normal. Normal highs for this time of year are in the upper 30s to around 40, and we expect to be close to that the next two weeks. That said, we may still see rain/snow showers and perhaps slightly above normal precipitation.
The image attached to this story is from NOAA and the Climate Prediction Center. It shows us near normal temperatures from December 10 - 16. Recall that in November we had two feet of lake effect snow with an Arctic blast that was somewhat short-lived. It will be interesting to see how the second part of December will evolve and if we can get a "white Christmas".
These are some of the shortest days of the year! We only have about eight hours of daylight, followed by about 15 hours of darkness. Our days will final start getting longer after the winter solstice on December 21. According to NOAA, most of West Michigan has about a 50% to 60% chance of a "white Christmas". See their map below.

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