

Temps to remain above average for the first week of 2021

Average right now is 31°
and last updated

GRAND RAPIDS — 2021 has come in like a lion with several rounds of snow and ice, but the first work week of the year will be more like a lamb.

After today's morning snow, snow chances this week will be few and far between. The best chance of snow does not look to come until next weekend. Along with the quieter weather, temperatures will remain slightly above normal.


The average high temperature this week is 31° and highs will get above freezing Monday-Friday. Comparing this to the last two years, this isn't necessarily abnormal. Both 2019 and 2020 started off with above normal temperatures as well.

However, we all know how cold January can be, as was the case for the first week of 2018. High temperatures then were locked in the teens and lows were in the single digits with some nights below zero.

Thankfully, we will get nowhere close to those bitter cold temperatures this week, but that doesn't mean they won't come soon. The coldest time of the year is January 21-25, so we are not out of the woods just yet.