GRAND RAPIDS — When you hear about tornadoes people likely think about tornado alley down south but in reality, tornadoes can happen anywhere and anytime including right here in West Michigan. On average Michigan sees 15 tornadoes a year making them very much apart of our severe weather preparedness plans.
When a tornado watch gets issued this is when we have the ingredients for a tornado to come together, at this point you need to stay with us as we watch the storms and rely any updates. Finally, you should have a family disaster plan in place knowing where everyone will go and do in case of a severe weather emergency.

When a warning gets issued you must take shelter immediately as a tornado has been sighted or seen on radar. Depending on where you are there's different ways to take shelter. If you are at school, work or any large business you’ll head to the pre-designated shelter area. As for cars, campers and mobile homes you want to leave and get to a close by more substantial shelter.

Let’s focus on when you are home….. If on the main floor you want to head to the most interior room avoiding windows, doors and exterior walls. If you can find a blanket or mattress even to protect yourself do so as most injuries from tornadoes happening from flying debris. Ultimately your safest place to be is the most interior spot in your basement.

Not everyone lives in a house so if you happen to live in an apartment building the rule of thumb is similar as you need to get to the lowest most interior level of your building.

This week is a great time to practice and plan out your disaster plan if a tornado hits. On Wednnesday at 1 pm we will have a statewide tornado drill occured where participating cities outdoor sirens go off and see test radio and tv alerts as well.