GRAND RAPIDS — Today not only is the summer solstice, but it is also show your stripes day. It represents a time to spread awareness about climate change using the iconic warming stripe pictures showing the temperature trends over the last 100 plus years. This global campaign to spread awareness about climate change visually shows the long term rise in temperatures due to human caused climate change.

Each stripe represents the temperature averaged over one year from 1850 to 2022. Red stripes are years that were hotter than the 1971-2000 average and blue stripes are the years that were cooler. Last year along the planet was 2 degrees warmer than the 1881-1910 baseline which puts us dangerously close to the internationally agreed goal of pursing the global warming limit of 2.7 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
#showyourstripes day leads to a great conversation starter today and everyday.