WEST MICHIGAN — Every year when the snow starts falling, the National Weather Service issues winter weather headlines. These headlines include Watches, Warnings and Advisories for winter weather.
A Winter Storm Watch is typically issued at least 24 hours ahead of a storm. It indicates that the risk of a hazardous winter weather event has increased with at least a
50% chance of occurring.
Let's think of it in terms of a nice, cozy activity like s'mores! You gather the ingredients to make a s'more; marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. Your s'more isn't made until you roast the marshmallow and put it all together. And that's exactly what a Watch is. Conditions are right for a Winter Storm Threat.
It's when the storm is being made that a Winter Storm Warning will be issued. This is comparable to when you're roasting the marshmallow and putting the s'more together. Heavy snow of six inches in 12 hours, or eight inches in 24 hours or sleet of half an inch or more is currently happening.
The s'more ingredients are the same every time, similar to a winter storm headline. However, we can use this analogy for ice storms, blizzards and freezing rain.