Detectives are working on a double murder in the Newaygo County town of Brohman, after Joseph “Tattoo Joe” Cherenski along with his live-in girlfriend of 15 years, Patricia VanDyk, 55, were found shot to death in their home off of M-37 on Thursday around 4:30 p.m.
The last time the couple was seen was around 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, police said.
“Whoever did this has got to live with themselves for the rest of their lives, hope you rot in hell.” Patricia’s son, Donald “Buddy” VanDyk, III, said.
Buddy said the two kept to themselves and if you wanted to find Joe, at his home, where the two were believed to be shot while in bed, is where you would go.
“I loved him and I’ll miss him, they were good friends and her and I used to trade book bags together and I used to take ’em food and go and visit.” Alice Bills, a neighbor said.
Buddy came to the house looking for his own answers on Friday and said “maybe, maybe not” when asked if he had found any.
“She was a real good mom, cared about her family, cared about everybody; She’d do anything for anybody if they just asked her or even if she could see it in their face that they’re in pain or anything. she would do anything she could.” he added.
Patricia was actually very sick herself.
“She had CLPD and she had cataracts, she had surgery for that she just had her second eye done so she was finally able to see without glasses. We could play dice and she could see the dice finally.” Buddy added.
Patricia did not have any type of life insurance, so Buddy has set up an account under his real name, Donald VanDyk at any Independent Bank.
If you have any information on the couples death, please contact the Newaygo County Sheriff’s Department at (231)689-5288 or Silent Observer at (231)652-1121.