

Former Radio Host Acussed Of Molesting Child Expected In Court

Posted 3:36 AM, Jun 30, 2014
and last updated 3:37 AM, Jun 30, 2014

CALHOUN COUNTY, Mich. (June 29, 2014)– A former West Michigan radio host accused of molesting a child is expected in court Monday.

John Balyo faces charged of criminal sexual conduct after police say he had oral sex with an 11-year-old inside a Battle Creek hotel room.

According to a spokesperson with Homeland Security, investigators found duct tape, handcuffs, rope, zip-ties and children’s socks in a so-called “bondage kit” that was found inside a storage unit rented by Balyo.

Balyo was afterward fired from his job with WCSG radio.

Investigators said his arrest is part of a bigger sex trafficking investigation.

Earlier this month, police in Battle Creek arrested Ronald Moser, who they said led Balyo to his young victim.

Moser is also being held in jail on sex crime charged.

Anyone with information or who might know of some other victims is asked to visit,