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Gov. Bush talks 2016 during rally stop in Grand Rapids

Posted 7:54 PM, Oct 13, 2014
and last updated 1:32 AM, Oct 21, 2014

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – There are 23 days left until You Decide 2014, but another visit by another potential 2016 presidential candidate is shifting some of the focus.

Both Democrats and Republicans in Michigan continue to attract high-profile politicos to the state ahead of Election Day.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, hit the road Monday for several stops in Michigan, stumping for Terri Lynn Land and other statewide candidates.

Both Louisiana’s Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney have made stops in Michigan.

During Monday’s event at the Kent Co. GOP headquarters, it didn’t take long before the younger brother of President George W. Bush was asked about his own White House aspirations.

“I'm worried about '14 right now,” Bush explained. “I'd like to see Terri Lynn Land be elected to the United States Senate and I’d like to see governors across the state that have done a great job creating a better business climate where jobs are created be re-elected.”

Bush told reporters 2014 presents a great opportunity for Republicans.

“If you look at the numbers, you see the president's approval rating really low,” Bush said. “We have great candidates and, particularly at the state level, there's a proven record of success and at the national level you see (Sen.) Harry Reid basically shutting down Washington, D.C.”

Visits such as this get people talking about the ultimate political prize, the one up for grabs in 2016, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

“First of all, I have no idea whether I’m going to run for office or not,” said Bush.

For his part, Bush tried to push the talking points to the current election season, but he didn’t close the door on whether he’s gearing up for his own campaign.

“I think people need to focus on November of 2014 and that's what I’m going to do, but I’m going to make a decision at the end of this year,” he said.

Democrats have also brought high-profile visitors to Michigan.

First Lady Michelle Obama made a stop in Detroit on Friday.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be in Michigan on Thursday.