

To floss or not to floss, that is the question

Posted 10:35 PM, Aug 04, 2016
and last updated 11:10 PM, Aug 04, 2016

WEST MICHIGAN - Dentists tell us brushing and flossing everyday helps to keep the cavities away, but is that true?

An article by the Associated Press is stirring huge controversy this week, saying there's no proof that regular flossing actually prevents gum disease and tooth decay. This coming after the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services dropped flossing recommendations as part of U.S. dietary guidelines, citing a lack of scientific research. But local dentists strongly disagree, saying the health of your mouth is directly correlated to the health of your body.

"Gum disease in the mouth will lead towards cancer, heart disease, stroke, pregnancy issues and Alzheimer's," said Dr. Brian Nylaan, a local dentist in Plainfield Township. "If you ignore your mouth you could die."

Saying the difference between flossing and not flossing is like day and night.

"The ones that don't floss are going to run the risk of tooth loss, bad breath, and everything in between," said Dr. Nylaan.

Despite the recent change in federal guidelines, Dr. Nylaan says there's no question about it, you should definitely keep flossing.