Morning Mix


Comparing cost to labor, is it worth it?

Posted at 1:37 PM, Nov 11, 2016
and last updated 2016-11-11 13:36:14-05

Michael Markey, co-founder and owner of Legacy Financial Network is here to help you Fireproof You Finances.

Before you buy something like cable, consider how much that product is going to cost you in the long run. Markey says to compare the actual cost of an item to how many hours you'd have to work to earn it.

For example, the average cost of cable television alone is about $80 a month. Assuming you make $10 an hour, are you willing to spend one entire shift out of the month just paying for cable?

For more ways to Fireproof Your Finances, check them out online at or call 1-855-LFNETWORK.