Morning Mix


Why you shouldn’t be afraid of getting a colonoscopy

Posted at 12:16 PM, Aug 09, 2017
and last updated 2017-08-09 12:17:01-04

As we grow older, it's important to take our health seriously and schedule necessary checkups.  Unfortunately those needed checkups include tests like a colonoscopy, which are scheduled around the time a patient turns 50.

Colonoscopies help detect pre-cancerous changes in the body like colorectal cancer, the third most common cause of cancer death in the United States. Symptoms of colorectal cancer depend on the location of the tumor, but include constipation or diarrhea, consistent bloating and gas, rectal bleeding, or persistent cramps and pain.

Colonoscopies are a great tool for detecting cancer early, but many people are frightened of what will happen to them during the procedure.

Dr. Diana Bitner, a nationally recognized menopause specialist from Spectrum Health, says there's no need to be afraid of a test like this. While the procedure is unpleasant, Dr. Bitner says it's not as big of a deal as it's made out to be.

For a colonoscopy, a patient has to drink a jug of special liquid to clean out the bowels before the operation takes place. The patient is also given anesthesia, so they won't remember a thing during the operation.

Before they know it, they wake up and the procedure is over. Don't let the fear of getting a colonoscopy prevent you from getting one, because if you end up having colorectal cancer it could really take away from the time you have to enjoy a full and busy life.

Dr. Bitner's office is located at 3800 Lake Michigan Drive Northwest, Suite A. To schedule an appointment with her, call (616)-267-8225.

All information was provided by Dr. Diana Bitner and her blog. Read more.