

Scouts donate $1,000 from cookie sales to hospital

Posted 4:55 PM, Apr 21, 2018
and last updated 4:57 PM, Apr 21, 2018

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — On Saturday, a group of area Girl Scouts delivered a $1,000 check from this year’s cookie sales to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital.

The girls from Troop 4815 in Cedar Springs decided months ago that the proceeds from their annual cookie sales would go to the children at the hospital. They worked to raise as much money as possible and were excited about making Saturday’s donation — a true demonstration of kids giving back to other kids.

Their final tally was 7,814 boxes of Girl Scout cookies sold.

Along with the $1,000 check, the scouts also dropped off more than a dozen Build-A-Bears for the patients at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital.