ROCKFORD, Mich. -- The Meijer LPGA Classic held their annual Media Day on Monday where they announced that all four past champions, plus Michelle Wie and Lydia Ko, will be returning next month for the tournament at Blythefield Country Club.
Meijer also spent the morning donating four palettes of food to North Kent Connect where those who need food can shop up to once a month.
North Kent Connect Executive, Claire Guisfredi said the donations will make a huge difference. "Our families will notice that it's Different kinds of fruits and vegetables then we normally get, and they're always thankful for the peanut butter, and we are offering the low sugar cereals, and Meijer came through with the low sugar cereals, because we want to give our families good health, and Meijer is with us on that with giving the healthier food options for them."
At last year's tournament alone over $1M was raised and Meijer has set the $1M mark as its goal again this year, in their fifth year of hosting the event.