

Wayne State releases 2018 list of words to use more often

Posted at 8:56 PM, Jan 02, 2018
and last updated 2018-01-02 20:56:54-05

DETROIT, Mich. — When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, we usually hear about words people want banned for the upcoming year.

However, Wayne State University in Detroit takes a different approach, discussing terms and phrases that should be brought back.

On Tuesday, the school released its annual “Word Warrior” list with its picks of words that should go back into people’s vocabulary.

They include insuperable, which means “impossible to overcome,” and nugatory, meaning “of no value or importance.”

Read the full list

Other terms on the list include bilious, frangible and eucatastrophe.

This was the ninth year Wayne State has released its “Word Warrior” list.  They take submissions from the public.